for Girls
This website is For Girl Scouts brought to you by
Girl Scouts of the USA
The following two worksheets are for girls to use
for completing Try-It's at home. Following will
be links to the activity requirments for doing them.
If the Try-It is not linked from this page check
with me to make sure we won't be working on it as
a troop before doing it. Make sure your daughter
does the work, with your help if necessary. Let
her do as much as she possibly can on her own. Try-Its
are .90 cents each. The troop only pays for badges
we work on as a group. Please turn in the money
along with the form filled out. Your daughter may
also be asked to answer questions or bring in any
work she did to complete the Try-It. Please have
her fill the form out, and you sign it stating she
did the work and follow the instructions on the
website for completing it. If you have any questions
please contact me. Girls should surf the net with
a parent or guardian.
Safety Award
This award is not a Try-It and is $2.50 for the
pin. Follow the instructions on the website for
completing this award. Make sure you list all activitys
Awards for Girl Scouts
Please contact your church, faith group listed on
this website, our local council or me regarding
earning these awards.