Girl Scout Ways
We completed the following activities for this Try-It:
2. Special Girl Scout Ways
3. Smore's (this was done at camp)
Puppets, Dolls & Plays
We have completed the following 4 activites and
have earned this badge: 2. Yarn Doll
3. Paper Bag Puppet
4. Marionette
6. Safety Play
MagNut Sale Patches
There were 3 patches for the MagNut sale. These
are earned patches so your daughter must have sold
a certain amount to recieve these. All these patches
go on the Back of her sash/vest.
Nut patch: for selling at least 5 cans of nuts
Waddle you read patch: for selling at least 2 magazines
State Patch: for turning in your step 2 booklet
We have completed the following 4 activites for
this Try-It:
1. Move to the beat
2. Dance on Stage
4. Dance Party
5. Follow the Leader
Cookies Count
We have done the following four activities to earn
this Try-It:
1. Setting Goals
2. Good Manners
4. Fun with Change
6. Cookie Talk
Penny Power
We have done one activity towards this Try-It.
Numbers and Shapes
We have done the following four activities to earn
this Try-It:
1. Math Shapes
2. Origami
3. Mobius Strips
6. Nature Shapes
Healthy Habits
We have done the following four activities to earn
this Try-It:
1. Community Helpers
2. Beautiful Smile
3. Calcium Counts
5. Washing Works
Making Music
We have done the following four activities to earn
this Try-It:
1. Move to the Music
2. Singing in Rounds
3. Action Songs
5. Music Around the World
Cookie Sale Patches
There are 3 patches for the Cookie sale. These
are earned patches so your daughter must have sold
a certain amount to recieve these or participated
in the activity. All these patches go on the Back
of her sash/vest.
Ride The Wave Patch: for selling at least 24 boxes
of cookies
Marketing Plan: for participating in a Marketing
Booth Sale: for participating in a cookie booth
Girl Sports
We have done the following four activities to earn
this Try-It:
1. Stretching Acting
2. Throwing Skills
3. Catching Practice
4. Kicking Fun
We earned this patch at camp in August 2002
If you and your daughter are interested in working
on badges at home:
Please see the following page: Links
for Parents
This page about halfway down has the forms to fill
out as well as some Try-It requirments online that
she can do at home.